Bald, Boobless and Beautiful
Laura Middleton-Hughes, also known on Instagram as @baldbooblessandbeautiful, is 32 years old and lives with incurable breast cancer. She was first diagnosed in February of 2014 at the age of 25 with stage 3, ER+, HER2+, breast cancer – after discovering a small lump in her left breast. She had the full works of treatment: chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiotherapy, hormonal tablets and Herceptin injections which she finally finished in June 2015.
Only a year later a pain developed in her right shoulder which she assumed was a gym injury but after several months and a few physio sessions it got worse. Unfortunately in October 2016, aged only 28 Laura was told her cancer had returned to her bones.
Laura blogs and is active on Instagram where she shares her story to help others. She is part of the duo @Secondary.Sisters with Nicky Newman.
See Laura’s blog here.